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-> Minelab

#1: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Michael rask [Rask]Holstebro IndlægSkrevet: Ons Mai 28, 2014 4:58 pm

Ser da fin ud..

#2: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Sop [Skph13]Den by IndlægSkrevet: Ons Mai 28, 2014 5:59 pm
Ja den ser godt ud men venter og ser på de amerikanske sider med sammenligning af garret ATX og hvad dem med forstand på de maskiner siger. 20000kr i australien burde være ca det samme herhjemme. Men vi må se :0)

#3: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Michael rask [Rask]Holstebro IndlægSkrevet: Ons Mai 28, 2014 6:19 pm
Ja jeg er ikke i tvivl om at den nok er fin..men mon ikke den er ens med atx...de er vel også prismessig ens..

Men ja det kunne være sjovt med en tester af den..

#4: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Allan jensen [Allan J]Ringkøbing IndlægSkrevet: Fre Mai 30, 2014 8:32 am
Minelab 2300 er med :

8" Round Monoloop

ATX with 12" DD coil

#5: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Richard Kempf [Rick K]Arizona IndlægSkrevet: Fre Mai 30, 2014 6:42 pm
The main advantage of the STC 2300 is its claim to detect extremely small gold nuggets. Presumably smaller even then the ATX – which is pretty good at detecting small gold nuggets. It presumably does this by using it's closely matched 8 inch coil and extremely short pulse delay perhaps as low as 8 µs.

On inland sites like yours Denmark I assume it would mean he would detect every tiny tiny tiny fragment of metallic material probably not what you're looking for.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
"I READ Danish well enough - joist please don't ask me to WRITE it - LOL

#6: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Michael rask [Rask]Holstebro IndlægSkrevet: Fre Mai 30, 2014 7:44 pm
Tak for svaret

#7: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Sop [Skph13]Den by IndlægSkrevet: Lør Mai 31, 2014 5:53 am
Richard the question is does it work in trashy and rion infested sites as well!?? And does it have minelabs deep sound for iron!?? I'm looking forward seing some test on ATX-SDC

#8: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Richard Kempf [Rick K]Arizona IndlægSkrevet: Lør Mai 31, 2014 1:19 pm
It uses a mono coil, so no discrimination of iron is possible. With the GPX series, the discrimination is achieved only with a DD coil.

#9: Re: minelab 2300 Forfatter: Sop [Skph13]Den by IndlægSkrevet: Tir Jun 03, 2014 9:25 pm
Thanks. Wonder how its gonna work in ironinfested trashy areas, parks etc, if possible.

-> Minelab

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