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Jesper [Coinshooter]

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IndlægSkrevet: Fre Aug 24, 2007 8:26 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] <img src="" style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px" alt="Klik på billedet, for at se et større billede" /><br /><br /><strong>Minelab</strong> har idag d. 24.08.07 introduceret to nye søgehoveder til <strong>Minelab X-Terra</strong> serien.<br /><br />Der er tale om 2 små 6 inch/15 cm søgehoveder der arbejder med to forskellige frekvenser.<br /><br />7.5 kHz CC søgehoved til X-Terra 30 / 50 og 70<br />18.75 kHz DD søgehoved til X-Terra 50 og 70<br /><br />De nye søgehoveder er designet til bedre at kunne adskille signalerne i områder med stor koncentration af metalgenstande. Dvs. i parker, på festpladser o.lign. lokationer.<br /><br />Desuden er søgehovederne praktiske på steder hvor det er svært at komme til med de større søgehoveder. Dvs. ved sten, træer, buske mv.<br /><br /><img src="" style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px" alt="Klik på billedet, for at se et større billede" title="Klik på billedet, for at se et større billede" name="picture" /><br /><br /> er sandsynligvis den første detektorbutik i verden med de nye søgehoveder i sortiment!<br /><br />Læs mere her:<br /><a href=";sub=175&amp;page=1">;sub=175&amp;page=1</a><br /><br />Med venlig hilsen<br />Jesper<br /><a href="" rel="external"></a><br />Telefon: 3035 3655 [/html]
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Aug 25, 2007 12:28 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Antar at du ikke sender til Norge.<br /><br />Alle Danske X-terra brukere bør kjøpe dem iallefall. [/html]
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Jesper [Coinshooter]

Indmeldt: Apr 27, 2006
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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Aug 25, 2007 5:37 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Selvfølgelig sender jeg til Norge - har ovenikøbet Norsk sprogversion i shoppen!<br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />Du kan tilmed købe momsfri ved levering i Norge, da Norge ikke er med i EU.<br /><br />Du vil dog muligvis blive opkrævet norsk moms istedet (25% som den danske) men det er en sag imellem dig og det norske toldvæsen. [/html]
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John [xJohn Kvanli]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Aug 25, 2007 8:34 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

Ser jo unektelig bra ut dette Jesper!
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Aug 26, 2007 4:39 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Fieldtester av de to nye lekre platene....<br /><br /><br /><br /><strong><u>Minelab X-Terra Small Coil Information and Field Test Results</u></strong> <br /><br />As I am sure most of you are now aware (thanks to my friend Randy aka “Digger"), Minelab will be releasing their much-anticipated 6" small coils for the X-Terra line of detectors later this month. Since mid-May I have been involved in the extensive testing of these coils and have now been asked by Minelab to share my thoughts on them with fellow detectorists via the online forums. So here goes. I hope that you find the information useful should you be considering the addition of a small coil to your arsenal of X-Terra coils. <br /><br /><u>Testing Environments</u> <br /><br />I chose a number of trash-infested local parks in my area for the testing of the small coils. These were parks that I have worked previously with the Explorer XS II as well as all three X-Terras with the stock MF &amp; HF coils. The ground is absolutely saturated with trash, especially of the aluminum variety, making it a really tough go for a detectorist. Other than clad and scattered wheats I have never done much at these parks. Ground conditions were moderate for the most part. <br /><br /><u>Coil Types</u> <br /><br />The 6" coils are offered in two types: a 7.5 kHz MF concentric and an 18.75 HF DD. Both coils are very lightweight and well balanced which, frankly, they should be. They are also extremely sturdy and can take a pounding from rocks, roots, etc. without sustaining any damage such as cracks or gouges. <br /><br />The 7.5 kHz MF concentric coil will work on all of the X-Terra´s while the 18.75 kHz HF coil is designed to be used on only the X-Terra 50 &amp; X-Terra 70. During my field testing I tried the 7.5 kHz on the 30, 50 &amp; 70, and the 18.75 kHz on the 50 and 70. Results were similar regardless of the machine used, so I will discuss each coil in general as opposed to being machine specific. If you have any questions as to performance on a certain machine, please feel free to email me ( and I´ll be happy to answer your question to the best of my ability. <br /><br /><u>7.5 kHz MF 6" Concentric Coil</u> <br /><br />Initially the MF coil took some getting used to. As some of you may remember from my field tests of the X-Terra´s, I have a strong preference for DD coils. It is somewhat noisier than the 8" stock MF coil which I got used to after a few hours of use. I was able to run sensitivity to just under maximum and have relatively stable operation. Target separation was good but at times I found that I had to walk around a target and sweep from several angles in order to pick the target out of the trash. <br /><br />Depth was quite acceptable and I dug several coins at measured depths of up to 6". Target ID was good as well. As with the stock coils, good targets lock on with both repeatable audio and stable TID #´s; junk breaks up and the numbers bounce. <br />I did find that square tabs at 6" and beyond would read and sound like good targets. I assume this is due to their being right at the limits of the small coil´s detection range. <br /><br />Pinpointing was dead on. <br /><br />A note on using this coil on the X-Terra 70: the coil was very chattery when using ground tracking. It settled down nicely utilizing manual GB, balancing the machine slightly to the negative. <br /><br />Finds were impressive as I found a number of wheat cents that were most certainly masked by trash when using the larger coils. The small coil did its job. <br /><br /><u>18.75 kHz HF 6" DD Coil</u> <br /><br />I´ll be very honest that I was not expecting much from the HF coil, figuring that it would be nothing more than a “noisemaker" in trashy parks due to the high amount of aluminum trash. <br /><br />Boy was I wrong. For me, the HF DD coil was a pleasant surprise. A very pleasant surprise. The coil responded very nicely to coins, on par with the 7.5 kHz concentric even though one would assume that its higher frequency would be somewhat limiting in that regard. <br /><br />Being a DD, the target separation was superior to the MF concentric. I found it quite adept at locking on to targets in the heavy trash. Depth and target ID were both good, similar to the MF concentric, and it also exhibited the same tendency to ID deep (6" &amp; up) square tabs as good targets. <br /><br />In my moderate ground I found that I could run the HF DD at maximum sensitivity with GB #´s of 15 or less. At numbers higher than 15 I had to back off of the sensitivity somewhat. <br /><br />The HF DD coil was a bit noisier than the MF concentric but I it seemed to hit targets somewhat harder so the extra noise wasn´t a problem. <br /><br />GB was not a problem, and the same tendency regarding excessive noise when using ground tracking on the 70 was evident and could easily be eliminated by using manual GB. <br /><br />Now here is the one area that I found the HF DD to be a killer: nickels. I was amazed how well this coil worked in that respect. “12" on the meter usually meant nickels, and I dug a bunch of them, including an 1899 V NICKEL and a 1930-SOMETHING BUFFALO. Finding a pre-1900 coin in Los Angeles is pretty tough and a very rare occurrence. Without the small coil I have no doubt that these nickels would still be in the ground. For me, the potential of finding other low conductors (i.e. gold) is very good with this coil. <br /><u><br />Overall Impressions</u> <br /><br />I feel that Minelab has done well with their the offerings of these two new 6" coils, giving X-Terra owners new options for what already is a very versatile line of machines. Both are good performers. My own personal preference is for the HF DD, which suits my hunting environments best. Yours may be different; if you´re a concentric guy, or if you live/hunt in areas with very hot ground, then the concentric may be the best choice for you. In any case, I think that these new coils will open up areas that you may have maxed out in terms of hunting with larger coils. I know that they have for me. <br /><br />I would also like to extend my thanks to Minelab for entrusting me with the testing of these new coils and allowing me to share my thoughts and experiences with my friends on the forum. <br /><br />One last note: I do not know the actual date on which the coils will be released, nor have I been provided with any price information. Please check with your preferred dealer to obtain this information. <br /><br />So good luck to all and if a small coil for your X-Terra is in your future I wish you lots of rewarding swinging. Also enjoy the 3 promotional pix of the new coils from Minelab (better than I could do) as well as pix of my "V &amp; B" nickels and also a typical afternoon&#39;s finds with the 6 inchers. <br /><br />Bill (S. CA) <br /><br /><br /><div class="PhorumReadBodyText">Previous posts have covered the pictures, sizes, &amp; styles etc. so I won&#39;t cover those aspects. Before continuing, keep in mind that various individuals with differing hunting styles and geographic locations were asked to examine the coils. I was not aware of who any of the other testers were until after the tests were concluded. i.e. until his recent post I was not aware wpaxt(Bill) had any of the coils and there are probably others that I will never be aware of. I am quite satisfied when testing is done in this manner as there is no cross pollination of ideas, however keep in mind that this may lead to a composite view and not one that is smoothly integrated. So don&#39;t be surprised by some contradictions where the reports don&#39;t all fit neatly into a nice &amp; tidy intellectual box. In a nutshell, please don&#39;t latch onto an isolated portion and go running off with your hair on fire making some ridiculous positive or negative claims about what I&#39;ve written. <br /><br /><strong>Air Tests</strong> <br /><br />Yeah I know, but you have a certain crowd that looks forward to the tale of the tape in air. But sadly, these air test will be totally blown out of the water by the Saltwater Testing. So sorry, if you put a lot of stock in air tests, they will be crushed in short order. <br /><br /><a href=",file=65466" target="_new"><img src=",file=65466,in_body_attachment=1" alt="airt.gif" title="airt.gif" /></a> <br /><br /><br /><strong>Land &amp; Freshwater Testing</strong> <br /><br />Being that the main use of these small coils will be detecting in trash I decided to spend most of my time in the iron fields. I have available locations where there is a consistent ramp up of iron within thirty feet. All you have to do is walk in a straight line from a low iron area to one where, if you were wearing magnets on your shoes you&#39;d be stuck in place. The iron is thick enough that a mere 2 inch wiggle of even these small coils reports two adjacent iron targets The low iron areas were used to GB, check Noise etc. etc. Then a slow deliberate march towards the iron pile checking separation, overload etc as conditions worsened. Each coil was tested several times over many days splitting the time equally and retesting paths already traveled by the other coil. Directions were reversed and then cross paths etc to see what more could be extracted. The truly nasty area in question is about 20ftx20ft and has been covered dozens of times by various machines and coil combinations, and as such is NOT virgin ground. <br /><br />I found that I liked the HF DD better for several reasons: <br /><br />1. I hunt for low conductors and the HF is better for that. <br />2. I found the separation to be better. <br />3. I DID use pinpoint and liked it better on the HF DD. Because the coils do run pretty hot, the pinpoint function is really hot, so I ended up raising the coils during pinpoint which I found to be VERY EFFECTIVE. As a matter of fact I normally don&#39;t use the pinpoint function but would with these coils in very heavy iron. <br /><br />The following should be read with the following in mind, and concerning the 6 inch CC MF coil only, and not the HF DD. I am hunting in my soil matrix, not yours, so do not assume you will ever see this, I am simply making note of it in case you run across it. So take this as a hunting tip should you see the same thing in your soil. This kind of follows along the lines of my volcano with a moat around it experiment. Which is, take any detector you like, bury a U.S. nickel at 4 inches in perfectly smooth dry freshwater sand. Swing the coil over it and you should get a good solid nickel ID. Now dig a nice circular moat 10 inches deep leaving about a six inch diameter column in the middle with the nickel still in it at 4 inches. Re-swing coil and presto, the nickel just turned to iron. <br /><br />So what I found is that depressions in my soil matrix can cause iron items like nails to wrap around to 46-48 ID. If you smooth the sand over, then the iron falls back into the minus iron. Occasionally a heavily encrusted nail at a severe angle or completely vertical would act the same over smooth sand. Now how to deal with it. In all the above mentioned cases the target had a very specific signature, which was: Visual ID of 46-48, 3 to 4 arrows deep being reported and a very very soft audio response. It&#39;s hard to convey how soft the audio is, think marshmallow. If this were a U.S. quarter or silver ring at the reported depth, then the response would be very sharp. In a very short period of time I was able to call these targets easily and dug several just to confirm. <br /><br /><br />During testing I also covered an area which is a walkway to a beach which about 10ft wide by 20 ft. In the past it has yielded some old silver and I usually hit it every spring to see if the frost has moved anything. There&#39;s a pretty fair amount of iron and I&#39;ve also hit it with several machines and coils. I was using the six inch MF CC when I hit a very strong and clear target. Out popped a real surprise which I have no rational explanation for except that other coils may have been keying on some deep iron. <br /><br /><a href=",file=65467" target="_new"><img src=",file=65467,in_body_attachment=1" alt="canoe.jpg" title="canoe.jpg" /></a> <br /><br />The piece is an ID plate off of a Charles River "1915" model canoe manufactured by the Kennebec Boat &amp; Canoe company. For those not familiar with the "Charles River" it is the major river in Boston, MA USA. The canoe was only produced from 1910 to 1916 and it&#39;s too bad someone put a bullet through it. <br /><br />A final note is that I located some charcoal on the surface which neither coil responded to, which is very good for many of us. <br /><br />Some off the variety of items found are shown below. Keep in mind I was digging all sorts of targets good and bad to understand how the coils were acting. <br /><br /><a href=",file=65470" target="_new"><img src=",file=65470,in_body_attachment=1" alt="stuff.jpg" title="stuff.jpg" /></a> <br /><br /><strong>Prospecting Testing</strong> <br /><br />I am NOT a prospector and don&#39;t even play one on TV. But since I figured the HF DD would be aimed at this market I thought I would give it a go. Though the area I live in is mountainous and there is some gold found in streams within 50 miles, it is not noted as there being any near me. The gold that is found in the above mentioned streams is done only with dredges where you can get down to bedrock and consists of flakes for the most part. Nonetheless I packed up my gear and off I went to locate a roadside stream on the slope off an old volcano where quartz and iron laden basalt is common. I had found an area of a stream with a significant vertical drop , but it was spring runoff time, the water high, and absolutely ripping. This being the case I was restricted to wading in the pools between boulders at the edge of the stream, with no way to get to the center of the stream. The HF DD did quite well in taking the abuse of being knocked into rocks and submerged. <br /><br />I was running the X-70 Prospecting mode with Tracking On and the Sensitivity up in the high 20&#39;s. I did get some falsing on the larger pieces of the iron laden basalt which didn&#39;t alarm me, in that, using the ground measurement feature of the X70 they read in the 400,000+ range which is quite extreme. So what did I find? Well several very tiny aluminum shards at up to 2 inches deep. And when I say tiny I mean tiny, like if you clipped off a quarter inch long by 1/64 inch wide piece of your little finger nail. I had a heck of a time just trying to find them in a little pile of sand in my hand &#39;cause the Vibraprobe didn&#39;t stand a chance. <br /><br /><br /><strong>Saltwater Testing</strong> <br /><br />First, who in their right mind would use a 6 inch coil to hunt on a saltwater beach? Well believe or not there is one definite circumstance where it would be helpful, and another where you may avail yourself of the smaller coil. This is likely geographically based, but some of the beaches I frequent have piers that when you hunt under or near them are filled with iron. Also many of these have burnt down several times or been destroyed by storms leading to high iron infestation. I have also noted by various posts on forums that cities with boardwalks suffer some of the same conditions. <br /><br />The second circumstance is rarer and I would not specifically buy a coil to cover it, but if I had one handy, use it as needed. In the photo below is a hot spot on a beach I hunt from time to time. These usually appear after storms and are very temporary in nature, that being, by the next tide change they are gone. This particular beach tends to be a very flat beach with very large distances from high to low tide, so that, the slight shelving seen to the right along the snow line is a significant clue. Also the presence of the larger stones peeking through on this beach is a good sign. When this photo was taken I had gridded this area after having zig-zagged approximately 1/2 mile before hitting it. The ocean being indiscriminate the area was filled with iron and good targets, so in this instance a small coil would have been helpful. Also being at the top of the tide line the saltwater has drained, and this is a transition point where a single freq VLF can come into it&#39;s own as you work back and forth across the high tide line. <br /><br /><a href=",file=65469" target="_new"><img src=",file=65469,in_body_attachment=1" alt="grid3.jpg" title="grid3.jpg" /></a> <br /><br />Now down to the business at hand. I traveled to the ocean on the outgoing tide having chosen a beach with black sand. The amount or mix of black sand changes with every tide. So please keep in mind that this is a snapshot in time and the depth figures should be viewed relative to one another, not absolute. I decided to take three U.S. nickels and create a test garden in very soupy sand. First an area was checked for any targets with a Fisher CZ-20, then swept with the X70 with HF elliptical. I also checked the homogeneity of the ground phase by monitoring the X70 in beach tracking mode. <br /><br />After the preliminary work, the three nickels were spaced 24 inches apart and location marked with a colored cellophane topped toothpick. There were three approximate depths chosen, 4, 6, &amp; 8 inches. I felt the 8 incher was a little ridiculous based on previous tests with other detectors including multi-freqs., but I threw it in their for giggles, and as a control. Now digging the holes was a story in itself, the sand was saturated with water and draining, so as soon as sand was removed the hole filled in immediately. By the time I got to the 8 incher I was saying bad things about the sand&#39;s Mother. However I would jam the nickel in the hole and hold it in place with the squared off end of a wooden twelve inch ruler. Therefore I believe we are within a half inch tolerance. <br /><br />Before looking at the table below I have to say I was flabbergasted by what the small HF DD accomplished. I just didn&#39;t believe my ears or eyes at first, to the point that I went back to my car to retrieve another sample of each coil and to re-check them both. The HF DD held up to the initial response. One thing to note though is that if using tracking when you approach the 8 inch deep nickel one would need to switch to manual or it&#39;ll GB out in 3 to 4 swings. But no big deal because that&#39;s the method I run the X70 with on saltwater anyways. Some of it&#39;s performance has to be related to the higher sensitivity level it can be run at over the standard sized coils with typically are in the 15 range on this beach. But that said, the small MF CC could be run at similar levels. Yep that level of performance is the stuff of urban legends, sensitivity at 66%(20) with a six inch coil hitting a nickel in the 8 inch range on a black sand beach. Does this mean that you will find the same type of performance in a particular high mineral content area? That I can&#39;t say, it may or may not. And lastly do I suggest you go running off and cover a 2 mile long beach with a six inch coil? Of course not! But the results were certainly interesting! <br /><br /><a href=",file=65468" target="_new"><img src=",file=65468,in_body_attachment=1" alt="clip1.gif" title="clip1.gif" /></a> <br /><br />HH <br />BarnacleBill </div> [/html]
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Jesper [Coinshooter]

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IndlægSkrevet: Tor Aug 30, 2007 9:30 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Så har jeg fået 18.75 kHz søgehovedet i hånden, og lavet lidt skrivebordstest.<br /><br />Det er virkeligt hurtigt reagerende, og meget præcist til at identificere genstande.<br /><br />Testede bl.a. på en Norsk 1 skilling fra 1764 der er en meget lille og meget tynd sølvmønt. Den hamrede igennem med usvigelig sikkerhed som var det en 20 krone.<br /><br />Dybdegangen er bedre end man kunne forvente på så lille et hoved faktisk.<br /><br />Bfodnes går og tripper for at få det, så nu vil jeg gå ned og sende det til Norge (hulk hulk). Der kommer nok en anmeldelse fra ham en dag.<br /><br />Tror det bliver et meget stort hit til søgning i f.eks. parker.<br /><br /><div style="text-align: center"><img src="" style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px" alt="Klik på billedet, for at se et større billede" /></div> [/html]
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tommy [xtommy]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Tor Aug 30, 2007 9:43 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

@Jesper - nu tar du vel nogen stykker med til Thy - for som du selv siger: Det blir et hit
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Tor Aug 30, 2007 10:10 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Ja, jeg har alltid 5-6" plater som min favoritt uansett søker.<br /><br />Før du prøver et er det vanskelig å begripe men etter å ha hatt det en stund vil du helst ikke ha det av igjen.<br /><br />Det finnes bare en reell ulempe og det er dekning av areal.<br /><br />Det mister så lite dybde mot en større plate at det går an å diskutere det.<br /><br />Vekt er lettere, separasjon er bedre, følsomhet er bedre, fremkommelighet er bedre ( busker/trær/stein/plogfurer.) Pinpoint er bedre.<br /><br />Send plate fort, abstinens er utålelig her. [/html]
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Jesper [Coinshooter]

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IndlægSkrevet: Tor Aug 30, 2007 10:37 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

@ Tommy - forsøger men det ene af hovederne er allerede i restordre.

@ Bjørn - enig men den begrænsede areal dækning er så det der gør, at jeg på gennemsnitlige marker foretrækker 10.5 DD.

Men så snart der kommer meget skrald sætter jeg en anden "spinner på krogen" - og det bliver fremover den lille.

Faktisk anvendte jeg sidste år på Thy Rally udelukkende det lille 8 tommer søgehoved på Explorer SE for at blive dus med maskinen.

Er siden skiftet til 10x14 som foretruknet på marker.
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Tor Aug 30, 2007 10:53 pm    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Du gjør selvfølgelig rett, på store marker er større plater bedre unntatt noen steder på marken som inneholder meget jern og funn.<br /><br />Men på en mark der du finner mengder med større skillinger kan det dog prøves en lille for å se om følsomheten til de aller minste blir bedre.<br /><br /><br />Ved nærmere ettersyn stemmer begge punkter over med hele Danmark dersom en ser på funnratene i galleriet <img src="{e_IMAGE}emotes/NDFsimple/wicked.gif" style="border: 0px" alt="wicked.gif" /><br /><br />Jesper, jeg har sett at excellerator har gitt ut et 8" CC plate til explorer, den første CC plate til Explorer. Tester er meget positive. Den er jo litt dypere enn DD men ser også ut til å komme bedre mellom på dybde. Har du sett eller prøvd den???<br /><br /> [/html]
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Jesper [Coinshooter]

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IndlægSkrevet: Fre Aug 31, 2007 12:04 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

Ja der findes både Excelerator DD og CC i 8 tommer / 20 cm til Explorer men jeg har ikke prøvet dem.

Man kan jo få det originale Minelab søgehoved i den størrelse (DD), hvilket nok begrænser udbredelse af Excelerator søgehovedet.

På små søgehoveder vil jeg til enhver tid foretrække DD for at få fuld dybde i fuld bredde. Du gennemsøger jo mere jord pr. sving.

Det er selvfølgelig generelt lettere at pinpointe med CC, men pinpoint synes jeg ikke er noget problem med så ligge en plade uanset.
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Fre Aug 31, 2007 3:43 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] De concentriske platene går litt dypere enn widescan platene av samme størrelse. Effekten minsker jo høyere mineraliseringen blir men ved lav til middels går de dypere.<br /><br />På jorder har man ikke bruk for denne effekten men heller widescanens dekning men i parker kan det være nyttig med 1 tomme mer dybde uten å øke platestørrelsen. Ser de er blitt veldig populære blant US parksøkere pga dette. [/html]
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Fre Aug 31, 2007 7:08 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Calling alle brukere av X-terra 50-70<br /><br />Jeg får min Lille 18.75 DD meget snart.<br /><br />Den skal testes rått og brutalt og vil se mye bruk hos meg dersom den er det jeg tror den er. <br /><br />Er det noen som har personlige ønsker om testing så gjør jeg gjerne det og sier det akkurat som det er. Jeg har ingen forhold til noen produsent. <br /><br />Ønskelige testobjekter må være noe jeg har tilgang på.<br /> [/html]
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

Indmeldt: Jul 31, 2006
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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Sep 01, 2007 2:30 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

[html] Den første kunde jeg har sett som har brukt den nye 18.75 DD ( den jeg kjøpte mmmmm)<br />Dette stemmer mer med min erfaring av små plater på andre søkere, jeg tror denne plata gjør terraen til en søker uten sidestykke. Jesper, du gjør nok klokt i å kjøpe inn mange til Thy.<br /><br /><br /><br />These gold Prospecting guys are really going to like it. Since I hunt a lot of jewelry the 18.75 DD is the one I wanted. You know the dime I got on edge at 8 1/2"s that is the only target I got buried in my yard. The 6" would high tone on it every swing but, the target numbers went from 36 to 42 but it is on edge and was a dig-able target. That is excellent for a 6" coil. I took some of my very smallest 14 kt gold and diamond earrings and stud jewelry. Most of my detectors won&#39;t even make a peep on them. Especially the small crosses and the small thin filigree crosses I was really surprised at the depth 3 and 4"s. They were hitting numbers 2 and 4 consistently every time. I got more depth on the gold then on the coins. Some of my heavy mens rings were hitting 11"s, the deepest I got on the coins was 8 1/2" in the air and the dirt. The nickle hit at 9 1/2"s. Well I am going straigate to the lake tomorrow morning and try it out. Will do some shallow water wading like I do with the 5X10"DD. Did you notice that they put a coil cover on it and sealed it up. There was not one void in mine as I looked with my magnifying glass. We will see if they did a good seal job on it and if it leaks tomorrow. Man, I like this coil already. After the lake if it don&#39;t leak, it will go dead in the trash and the iron trash that I hunt so much. Later Bud, and you and the other guys that did the testing did a very good job and I for one really appreciate it. <img class="mod_smileys_img" src="" alt=":D" title=":D" />: <img class="mod_smileys_img" src="" alt=":D" title=":D" />: <img class="mod_smileys_img" src="" alt=":clapping:" title=":clapping:" /> Thanks Jerry aka Tinfoil [/html]
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Jesper [Coinshooter]

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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Sep 01, 2007 5:03 am    TrÃ¥d: SmÃ¥ søgehoveder til Minelab X-Terra Besvar, med citat

Test ønske:

ID stabilitet i områder med ultra meget skrald i jorden vil jeg gerne have en melding på.

Dvs. evnen til at kunne identificere en genstand præcist, selvom detektoren flere gange i sekundet registrerer (og evt. afviser) en genstand.

Typisk lokationer for sådanne forhold er gamle skovpavillioner, festpladser og de mest befærtede dele af ældre parker.
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